Member Meeting Lunch: Guest Speaker Steve Townsend, Chief of Staff for Deputy Governor and Commissioner of Transportation
Member Meeting Lunch: Guest Speaker Steve Townsend, Chief of Staff for Deputy Governor and Commissioner of Transportation

What’s being done to fix traffic congestion across Tennessee? As the population continues to grow, and particularly southeast Tennessee, a solution seems daunting. Please join us for a discussion with TDOT to hear their plan to fix this billion dollar question, how the construction industry will play a critical role in the solution, and TDOT’s unconventional approach to getting the construction done, which may serve as a model for construction on other state projects. This event is for AGC members and their invited guests only.
Steve Townsend serves as Chief of Staff to the Deputy Governor and Commissioner of Transportation for the State of Tennessee. In this role, he helps execute a multiple-department effort to implement the Deputy Governor’s vision for Tennessee infrastructure investments, including surface, air, rail, broadband, and water assets, and guides the Department of Transportation’s organizational operations and improvements necessary to fulfill its mission.